Events and WordPress
Boise State University uses Localist to manage and display events that are hosted by colleges or departments. These events can then be distributed to individual college or department WordPress websites as well as the University Events Calendar (if eligible).
Adding New Events
- If you would like to submit an event for a college or department to review, you can create events in Localist via the campus submission form without being an administrator. Administrators for the site will review your request and approve/deny it.
- If you require backend (administrative) access to Localist in order to review and publish events on behalf of a college or department, have your website admin request your access to Localist by contacting the Help Desk.
Event Hierarchy and Workflow
It is recommended that each college maintain their events calendar from the top-down. Ideally, this means each college would have a small team of trained Localist admins who receive, review, and publish events that are submitted to the campus submission form by department staff. Further filtering can be utilized in order to display only department-specific events on their respective department website through the use of tags and widgets.
In-Page Events Widget
Events from your college or department calendar can be displayed on your web pages via a Localist Events Widget. If you would like an Events Widget added, removed, or edited on a web page, please contact the Help Desk.
In-Page Events Block
Events from external sources (not hosted on Localist) can also be displayed by using the Events Block. See the Events Block page for details.
Publishing to the University Events Calendar
The University Events Calendar displays a curated list of events from all Colleges and Departments that are intended for the general public. All events that are added to the University Events Calendar must meet the UEC Event Requirements.
For information on publishing your events to the University Events Calendar, please visit the Event Submissions page on the University Events site.
Documentation and Support
- Official documentation for Localist can be found on the Concept3D help site.
- A video beginners guide is available from Localist.
- A recorded version of the internal training with Localist staff is available on demand.
- A recorded version of the OIT-hosted “Localist Basics” training is available on demand.
- Article: Embracing Tags to Strategically Organize College Events.
See the Webguide Support and Training page for additional support and training options.
Widget Troubleshooting
If you wish to better understand why an event is or is not displaying on a page with a Localist widget, you can view the parameters of the widget by viewing the page source and searching for “localist-widget” in the HTML and looking for the tags that look like this:
This example widget script can be parsed as using the following parameters:
groups=office-of-information-technology (showing only events within this group)
days=120 (in the future from present day)
num=6 (showing 6 results)
tags=training (only events with the tag “training”)
all_instances=1 (showing all recurring events an individual events)
experience=hybrid (all in-person, hybrid, and virtual events)
Using this information, you can change your event details to meet the widget’s criteria or reach out to the Help Desk to have the widget modified to be compatible with existing event details.